What a Start! (to the Sublime Science Club)

What A Start! (To The Sublime Science Club)

The Sublime Science Club Is Live...

The Sublime Science Club fiiiiinally launched (and sold out in a matter of hours!). Unbelievable, thank you so much for all the support.

[You can get all the latest info on a brand new very special offer on the Sublime Science Club here!]

(Awesome) people from all over the UK as well as the US, Australia and Sweden and too many other countries to mention have joined the Sublime Science club and have already started experimenting!

The Sublime Science Club!

It’s phenomenal to see these awesome experiments I put together reach children across the entire planet, blows my mind!

The experiments are well and truly underway in kitchens across the world…and I love it when you share your experiments with me on facebook or twitter…like this one!

It’s been amazing to see all these experiments but I think my favourite ‘thing’ was this comment that came in when I asked the Sublime community what type of experiments they wanted the most:

“My 6 year old does not listen when they do science at school (she finds it boring) but after showing her mad marc’s youtube channel and the free ebook she’s constantly trying to experiment. All in all, I can’t add too much. Sublime science, and Mad Marc are fantastic and inspiring to so many young kids”

Comments like this genuinely mean the world to me. Anyway, that’s it from me, back to work in the lab to put together even more awesome experiments for you!

Let’s make science awesome,

Mad Marc