Grab your copy of Don't Eat Your Slime' below...
The book that I wish had been available when I was a kid...packed full of awesome experiments that you can do with "stuff" that you've already got!
I've got something awesome for you...
Hi there, I’m really excited that you’re looking for ways to make science awesome for your child!
I’m even more excited that you’ve just downloaded a digital copy of my book “Don't Eat Your Slime” to get your hands on some cracking experiments that you can do.
However, it’s not all good news I’m afraid…
Although 'Don't Eat Your Slime' is the book that I would have wanted when I was a kid and is 5 star reviewed on Amazon the free version is digital. It's a bit of a hassle to print the whole thing out and it's easy for it to hide away in a folder on your computer, unused!
I don't want that! I want you (and your child) to be able to DO awesome experiments and discover how awesome science can be as a result!
That's why I've come up with something pretty special...a real 'no-brainer' way of getting all these awesome experiments into your hands...I'm calling it...
Busy parents (like you!) have been asking for a way for me to physically get all of these incredible experiments to you (that are simple and easy with full explanations).
And… even better than that, because you’ve just downloaded 'Don't Eat Your Slime', I want to invite you to take advantage of a ONE TIME ONLY exclusive no-brainer offer to let me help you and your child discover how awesome science can be!
Good News! I'm so passionate about making science awesome for children I've got a special deal for you.
When you add it all up 'The Most Incredible Science Experiment Pack Ever' has an rrp. of £9.99 + £4.99 + £17.99 + £7.99 + £7.99 = £48.95. I honestly believe it'd be worth every penny but I'm on a mission to get these experiments into as many people's hands as possible so I want to make you a very special, one time offer:
Grab your copy of 'The Most Incredible Science Experiment Pack Ever' right now for just £9.99!
(SAVING £38.96!)
Just to be clear. This is a one-off investment of £9.99 + £2.99 shipping and handling (First class!) when you press the button below and order now!
Reveal to your child how awesome science can be with videos and clear explanations so you know exactly what's going on! It'll also let you transform your home into a home science lab - which I think is super-cool! Imagine being able to transform your kitchen into your very own science lab and let your child (and their friends!) enjoy experimenting - for less than a tenner!
This is exactly what I would have wanted when I was a kid and so I'm committed to giving it to you so I've done my utmost to make it a no-brainer. Hit the 'Buy Now' button below and for the one-time special price of £9.99 + 2.99 shipping and handling you'll have your 'Most Incredible Science Experiment Pack Ever' heading to you (first class of course!)
Seriously! Invest in The Most Incredible Science Experiment Pack Ever today - I'll ship everything to you - give you complete access to the digital files so you can get experimenting. I'll give you 60 days to do any and all of the experiments you want and if you don't absolutely love it simply send the Book and DVD back (you can keep the digital copies anyway!) for a full, complete refund.
I honestly don't think you can say fairer than that!
"Mad Marc, how can you make money giving all this for just £9.99?" - [MAD MARC's NOTE: Plus £2.99 for first class shipping and handling]
I can't! This isn't about making a profit it's about 2 things that are more important!
1. Making science awesome for children who've come to be taught that it's dry and dull - this drives me nuts!
2. Introducing myself and my company Sublime Science to you! It's a onetime payment of £9.99 and you're never obligated to buy another thing from us but I know that when I put together awesome ways to make science awesome, lovely people (that's you!) tell their friends, family and some of them book an award-winning Sublime Science Birthday Party.
There's never a hint of any obligation or pressure but I'd rather 'promote' Sublime Science by making awesome stuff and sharing it with awesome people than wasting money on boring adverts that no one reads anyway!
Hit the blue button below to get instant online access & have your copy of 'The Most Incredible Science Experiment DVD Ever' and 'The Most Incredible Science Experiment Book Ever' heading you way in the post
Just to be clear. This is a one-off investment of £9.99 + £2.99 shipping and handling (First class!) when you press the button below and order now!
Nope. I've only ordered a set number of DVDs and Books to be able to make this offer as part of a test and once they're gone, they're gone. Don't miss out. Invest right now. I literally guarantee that you'll love it! Grab it right now, before the world gets in the way.
We've had awesome feedback (some of these are below) but I want you to invest in helping your child to discover how awesome science can be. I know you're going to love it and want you to be confident you're making a great decision, so I'll take all the risk.
Here's the deal: Grab all the stuff. Experiment with it. Have fun, learn for 60 days and if you're less than 100% satisfied for any reason (or no reason at all) just send the book and DVD back for a full refund. No hard feelings and no messing around! You even get to keep the digital copies of everything anyway so you literally can't lose!
“Behold the awesomeness that is the Naked egg! It was measured a 3.79 on the bouncealicious scale (this is real SI unit, honest!) I’ve got two budding scientists that are over the moon with your book! Now to see what coke does to an egg!” - Jerome Lim loved his copy!
“Just a quick email to let you know I had a look over your science book. It’s really great! Clear diagrams, simple instructions, accurate science and proven demos with real wow factor - you’ve done a great job!” - Tom Pringle
“I have received the book and would like to say that I enjoyed the layout, very easy to read and simple instructions to perform the experiments. I also liked that you also explained the science behind the experiments. Hopefully this will encourage and stimulate children to take up sciences in school, particularly Physics which is often avoided” - Stewart Short
“We’re a pre-school and have been introducing the kids to science through your activities from your email updates. Yesterday we did the balloon on a bottle with bicarb and vinegar, the kids loved it! They were mesmerized if a little surprised when it all started fizzing everywhere cos I didn’t get the balloon on properly. Keep up the good work!” - Kate, Happy Hours Pre-School
"It is AWESOME. I want to get my 7 year old nephew interested in science before any other ideologies get in the way (or get in first) and this is absolutely perfect. Well done - you are brilliant. How's that for praise huh? :-). Cheers from down under" -Rod Whyte
"My son was going through planning our sunday mucky madness session for this week with it. We will definitely sign up onto facebook and can I just say you are mad as a bucket of frogs, in the nicest possible of way, my son loves and totally gets your book" - Ilya Radcliffe
If you've read this far and you think your child might love it then don't delay. All the risk is on me and your investment is 100% guaranteed. Hit the button below and grab your copy right now!
Let's Make Science Awesome,
Mad Marc, Founder, Sublime Science
P.S. Your copy of 'The Most Incredible Science Experiment Pack Ever' is literally 100% guaranteed to be awesome. Get your instant access and have your physical products heading your way & get your child excited about science right now!
P.P.S. Act now. Invest in helping your child to discover how awesome science can be now. This no-brainer price of £9.99 can't last long...I've only ordered one batch of the books and DVD's and if the button below is still here it means some are still available. Don't Miss Out - Grab your copy right now!
"I love where you started started because you wanted to do some good and not many people start from that and make a really, really good business" - Sarah Willingham
"I just think that it's wonderful to really inspire kids to take an interest in science so this is right up my street...I'm going to make you an offer" - Nick Jenkins
"Congratulations... I have to say that I'm incredibly impressed. It is exceptional" - Peter Jones
"Science was never my subject at school but I admire what you've've got a very good business" - Touker Suleyman
"I would very much want to be part of it...I think it's very exciting...I'm going to make you an offer. I'm sitting here very excited thinking - 'please let it be me!'" - Deborah Meaden
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