An Absolutely Sublime Science Week...
Just about managed to recover from the busiest National Science Week ever!
It was an honour and a privilege to get even more kids than ever before excited about science but beyond even that there were a couple of ‘awesome humbling things’ that I wanted to share with you!
Awesome Humbling Thing No. 1
It was the first time someone dressed up as me for Science Week – looking Awesome, Jamie!
(Clearly looking significantly cooler than I ever do! – Thanks so much for sending it in, Emma!)
Jamie dressed as Mad Marc for the culmination of his school’s book week activities.

Awesome Humbling Thing No. 2
‘Don’t Eat Your Slime’ was used to help children do their own experiments from all corners of the Earth . Such a cool feeling to know children from Africa to Australia are putting this to great use!
[If you like awesome experiments you should grab your free copy of ‘Don’t Eat Your Slime’ – it’s 5 star reviewed and yours in a couple of clicks]
Awesome Humbling Thing No. 3
Finally, one of our (awesome) customers made a cake for Harley that is apparently my spitting image – can’t see it myself, of course!
I’m so grateful for the opportunity to help out with making science awesome,
Already looking forward to the tricky challenge of topping it next year!
Let’s make science awesome,
Mad Marc

Having Fun With The Lab!
That’s adorable!
Awesome, I’d say! 😀