Dragon, Theo Paphitis Presents Marc Wileman With Award!
You may well know (I do like to bang on about it!) that I won Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis’ Small Business Sunday (SBS) Award a while back…
They say good things come to those who wait and I finally got to meet him and be presented with the SBS Award:

I may look pretty confused in this photo but it was a genuinely awesome experience!
I used to watch Dragons’ Den (still do) way back before I started Sublime Science for inspiration and entertainment and to actually receive an award from a ‘Dragon’ was a bit surreal.
Theo is a real inspiration and his openness and honesty about the hard-work he had to put in to achieve his goals made me feel a little better about Sublime Science consuming most of my waking existence.
He was really positive about all the awesome ‘stuff’ Sublime Science do and about ‘Don’t Eat Your Slime’ and has got me all fired up to make science than little bit more awesome for even more children!
Finally, I’d just like to say Thank YOU.
If you’re on this blog then chances are you’ve supported Sublime Science as one of our (awesome!) customers, presenters, office team and far too many other types of people who’ve helped to take Sublime Science to where it is today.
So, again, Thank you.
I appreciate you & you are awesome,
Mad Marc (Wileman)