Awesome News Just In...
So grateful to be able to share a little bit of awesome news with you!
Sublime Science have just been named...
Most Entertaining Children's Party Activity Company 2022
This is such an honour for us as we pride ourselves in making science awesome and having a lot of fun... as well as sneaking in the learning when they are having too much fun to notice.
Managing to inspire children to discover just how awesome science can be and be named "most entertaining" is just awesome. Huge well done to the Sublime Team who made this possible.

Sublime Science - Most Entertaining Children's Party Activity Company 2022
Sublime Science were recognised as the most entertaining children's party in the 5th annual Midlands Enterprise Awards 2022, hosted by SME News.
As Sublime Science was founded in Leicester it's really cool to be recognised by a fellow midlands awards.
Stay awesome!