The Most Incredible Science Week Ever!

The Most Incredible Science Week Ever!

That truly was the most incredible science week ever...


We inspired more budding scientists than ever before.

I’m completely blown away and honoured to be able to help so many (awesome!) people out.

This year we celebrated the fact that we’ve made science awesome for more than one million children. After starting out with a £1,750 Prince’s Trust loan from my parents’ spare room one million kids seemed like an impossible number.

After inspiring 1 million children things have got even busier!

I’m humbled to work with so many people, organisations and Sublime Scientists. Thank you all so very very much.

We’ll have inspired another million kids in no time!

Stay awesome,

Mad Marc

P.S. If you’re interested in Sublime Science helping to make your next science week awesome then get in touch now. Things are already filling up for next year.