Children's Party Entertainment Company of the Year!
A little awesome news, just in...
Sublime Science have been fortunate enough to be recognised as The Children's Party Entertainment Company of the Year.
In the Corporate LiveWire Global Awards 2022/23 no less. We absolutely love what we do and it's always a real treat to be recognised for it, we really appreciate it.
After inspiring more that 1,000,000 children to discover just how awesome science can be we like to think we're getting the hang of it but we work hard every day to inspire children and make science even more fun.
A massive thank you to our (awesome!) customers, who we hugely appreciate, for choosing us to launch rockets, make slime and explode stuff (and so much more).
An equally massive thanks must go to the whole Sublime Science Team.
After the incredibly challenging time of 2020, Sublime Science is now bigger and better than ever and that simply wouldn't have been possible without the help of the (always awesome!) Sublime Science Team.
Soooo many folks have helped and supported us along the way and we appreciate every single one of you. We hope to help you make your own batch of Sublime Science Slime or even fire one of our legendary smoke rings at you at an event soon.
Thanks so much once again!
Stay awesome,
Mad Marc
& The Sublime Science Team