Introducing... The Most Incredible Science Experiment Book Ever!
Finding genuinely awesome science experiments that are safe, fun and that you can do with ‘stuff’ you’ve already got isn’t easy…or at least it didn’t used to be!
Check out this quick video (shot on a beautiful winter’s afternoon in Bradgate Party, Leicestershire) explaining “The Most Incredible Science Experiment Book Ever!” and how you can help make science awesome!
Find out more over on Kickstarter or read on to discover how to be part of my mission to make science awesome and find out about this, less that modestly titled, new book!
What’s The Deal with “The Most Incredible Science Experiment Book Ever!”???
It’s an ambitious title (for an ambitious book!). In all honesty this is the book that I wish had been available when I was a kid!
I used to love experimenting right after reading George’s Marvellous Medicine but my parents were never as keen as me! What I wanted was genuinely awesome experiments (no theoretical, dry, boring stuff) that where quick and easy to do, with stuff I could get my hands on.
This Is That Book!!!!
I want as many children as possible around the world to DO awesome science experiments. That are safe, clearly explained and it won’t be a massive pain to get all the stuff!
What’s Kickstarter?
Kickstarter is an awesome community that pulls together to get cool new projects off the ground! They can explain it far better than I can so have a look over on my Kickstarter page!

I think they’re awesome but I’m not the only one! Here’s just one email (this one is all the way from Ethiopia!)
“Every Saturday, I have 4 classes of Ethiopian children with age ranges of 5-25. Although I am teaching them English, I am always on the look out for things to do with them. Their regular schools have no science labs, so all their science work is theoretical. Tomorrow, we will make slime!!!” – Susan Aitchison
Here’s What I Want You To Do Next
I would love you to be part of this! Simply click this link to be a part of my mission to bring science to life for children round the world.
Stay awesome,
Mad Marc Wileman
P.S. Your support would mean the world to me and help spread awesome science across the globe! Go on – check the book out now!
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new” - Albert Einstein Read