Marc Wileman Humbled By Nottingham Alumni Laureate Award

‘Mad’ Marc Wileman Humbled By University of Nottingham Alumni Laureate Award

Sublime Science Founder Wins Nottingham Alumni Laureate Award

Utterly blown away and humbled to receive an Alumni Laureate Award from the University of Nottingham.

I left my trust slime-covered lab coat at home and attempted to look as smart as possible as I was honoured to be in such wonderful company.

I joined Dame Mary Marsh, Nick Munro and Cynthia Barlow. Their stories and achievements are truly inspirational and I left more motivated than ever to inspire even more children.

Marc Wileman, from Sublime Science, Alumni Laureate Award Winners 2016 - 500

Thank you so so much to all those who have helped to make this possible.

YOU are awesome.

‘Mad’ Marc

P.S. Stay awesome

Marc Wileman Awarded University of Nottingham Alumni Laureate Award - 300