'Leaders in Children's Entertainment' Award Winners!
Cracking news just in.
Sublime Science have been named as Leaders In Children's Entertainment in the UK Enterprise Awards 2023.
It's always an absolute pleasure to see our slimetastic entertainment recognised and we really appreciate it.
This year is the 7th year of the UK Enterprise Awards and they aim to "spotlight the most hard-working companies in the United Kingdom, who go above and beyond to provide customers and clients with outstanding products and services."
This is exactly what we aim to do every day as we have the honour of inspiring children to discover just how awesome science can be.
A massive "thank you" to everyone who's supported us along the way. After inspiring more than 1,000,000 children we've been fortunate enough to get thousands of rave reviews and be recognised by some awesome awards.
We genuinely appreciate every single bit of positive feedback and strive to make things even more awesome every single day.
Thanks to our (awesome!) customers and partners and to the whole Sublime Team who really make this happen.
We appreciate YOU. YOU are awesome.
Thanks so much once again!
Stay awesome,
Mad Marc
& The Sublime Science Team