Here's To An Absolutely Awesome Science Week!
Awesome news!
British Science Week 2024 is set to be the biggest ever here at Sublime Science.
That means we'll be making science awesome for more children in more schools and we'll be making more gooey slime and launching more rockets than ever before.
Thank YOU all so so much for helping to make this possible... If you can believe it Sublime Science is 15 years old and over that time we've been fortunate to engage, enthral and inspire millions of children. It's been a massive privilege to do so!
After the tough times of 2020, Sublime Science has gone from strength to strength and we're so proud to be able to share we're now reaching more kids than ever before during British Science Week.
Even though we're fully booked for 2024, there are still a few ways we can help.
1. Check out the 101 Sublime Science Experiments. These experiments are quick and easy to do. They make cracking additions to your British Science Week. They are yours completely free and you can do them with "stuff" that you've already got. Schools all over the world are using them as a 100% free way to have fun during Science Week. Check them out now.
2. Not only that but you can also grab a free digital copy of the science experiment book 'Don't Eat Your Slime'. This is the book that I wish had been available when I was a kid. It's received rave reviews and has sold for £9.99 but you can get a completely free digital copy. The perfect way to inspire your budding scientists for science week.
3. One more thing. Sublime Science Children's Lab Coats. These are the perfect way to get your young scientists looking the part. A cracking addition to Science Week. They come with 'nerd glasses' and name badges to complete the look. They're the UK's leading children's lab coats. They're brilliant value and come delivered fast and free. Check out your children's lab coats now.
Thanks so much once again to everyone who has helped to make this possible. Thank you to our (awesome) schools and partners for putting on Science Week events all over the country.
Thank you to our (always awesome!) Sublime Scientists for launching those rockets and making oh so many pots of slime. An extra thank you to the Sublime Science Lab Team for their dedication and preparation in helping to pull off something so awesome. Thank YOU all!
We wish we were able to help absolutely everyone but, of course, we do run into issues with availability over Science Week. Why not get in touch now for Science Week 2025? We'd love to help out if we possibly can.
P.S. It's never too early to get booked in for Science Week 2025. Check it out now.
P.P.S. Stay awesome!