Sublime Science Dragons’ Den Pitch - 1,000,000 YouTube Views

Sublime Science Dragons’ Den YouTube Clip Passes 1,000,000 Views!

Sublime Science Dragons’ Den Pitch Passes 1,000,000 Views On Youtube!

Absolutely amazing!

A little while back the BBC official Dragons Den channel posted the full Sublime Science Dragons' Den Pitch on YouTube. 

It's already been viewed more than 1,000,000 times which is mind-boggling to me.... You're more than welcome to click play and watch it below. 

Thank YOU so much to everyone that's liked, shared or commented. 

More than a thousand (awesome!) humans took the time out to leave a quick comment and they are so awesome to see. All the support and positive vibes are very much appreciated. 

The BBC named the video: "Scientist Triggers Chain Reaction of Bids in the Den" which is somehow awesome all on its own. 

Here's an extra link to the Sublime Science Dragons' Den Pitch. Just in case you'd prefer to watch it on YouTube directly.  

Before the official BBC channel put the episode online, other channels would put the clip on YouTube and then it would be taken down again and again so the true number of viewers is waaay higher.

It's amazing to think that somewhere around 6 million people watched the pitch the week it aired in the UK. With the international views as the episode slowly travels around the world probably more than 10,000,000+ people have watched the Sublime Science Dragons' Den Pitch. (That's 2x the population of Norway!). 

With all the clips and memes etc it's too many for me to even wrap my head around! Good job I didn't know that at the time as I'd have been even more nervous. (As you can tell, was definitely nervous enough!)

Thanks so so much to everyone who's supported Sublime Science along the way... There were so many times in the lead-up to the show that I thought about backing out. The first business pitch of my life and my first time on TV at the same time is nervousness squared. (That's an official formula!)

Anyway, I'm so glad I walked out of that lift and fired those smoke rings and I'm so glad that the reaction has been truly amazing. It was definitely a huge factor in Sublime Science going on to inspire more than one million children to discover how awesome science can be. 

You're more than welcome to leave us a comment. 

Thanks so much once again!

Stay awesome,

Mad Marc 

& The Sublime Science Team