Mad Marc Met Dick & Dom - Absolute Genius

Mad Marc Met Dick & Dom – Absolute Genius

Sublime Science Meets Dick & Dom!

I had an absolute blast helping Dick and Dom make science awesome for their TV show ‘Absolute Genius’!

Both Dick and Dom have awesome energy and enthusiasm and a real passion for what they do.  The only bad thing was their lab coats are nowhere near messy enough for my liking!?!

Dick And Dom Clean Lab Coats

We were in a super-secret location for surrounded by books, which is always a bonus!

I can say no more for now…

But sometime soon you’ll be able to catch a glimpse of me on the Telly again.

I’ll keep you posted.

Stay awesome,

Mad Marc

P.S. Absolute Genius is over on CBBC – keep a watchful eye, you might just see someone you know!